Tuesday 23 October 2012

Caesar salad dressing

Tuesday October 23, 2012

I am on holidays this week to get caught up on somethings before I leave for Mexico.  Today I thought I would make a vegan caesar salad dressing.  Here are the ingredients I used;

1/4 cup tahini (ground sesame seeds)
1 whole lemon (juiced)
2 teaspoons rinsed capers
3 Tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic
1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup soaked raw almonds (soak for and hour or more)
1/2 teaspoon sea salt

1/4 - 1/2 of organic almond milk ( add for a creamy consistency)

Put everything in a food processor and voila!!  This will last a couple of days in the fridge.

This is a delicious dressing.  No chemicals and made with love :) :)

I am making more time for the things that really fulfill me.....stay tuned and see where this journey takes me.


Monday 5 March 2012

Random thoughts in the Process

I often hear, "I wish I had the dedication you do to train, eat, play etc". 

This quote comes to mind....“Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else”
- J.M. BARRIE, Novelist

We all have the same amount of time in a day.  Yes some of us work longer hours have children to shuffle from place to place and so on, but at some point in everyone's life's we have had or will have "other" stuff to do and you can either make and excuse why you can't train, eat right get enough sleep etc or you can choose to embrace it and make it part of your lifestyle like waking up and brushing your teeth. 

I don't look at what I "do" as something that is outside of my "normal" life; IT IS MY LIFE!!  "Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else"  You have to have balance YIN and YANG  if you will.  What you do has to make YOU happy.  We are a society that is always trying to please others and not stopping to see what it is that fullfills our souls.  How can you look after others if you yourself are not looked after yourself? 

If any of the above hits home with you, pull your head out of the sand and question yourself as to what you truely want for YOU!  Does it feel like work?  Are you dreading taking that step out the door?  Why are you doing it? 

I look at my training as I do my life. It is a daily journey with bumps on the road.  I am not looking into the future anticipating only the destination, by doing this I would miss all of the landmarks along the way and the true lessons.  The destination like climbing Mount Everest only lasts for a second.  What can you learn in a second?  It was all the miles you travelled to get there, that the real learning was done!!  This is why you will often hear me say "I love the training journey", there I have learnt I have already done and won the race before actually doing it!!!

What journey are you on in life, and are you only looking at the destination?


Monday 27 February 2012

Feb 27, 2012 What a fabulous day!

My morning started at 5am and in the pool at 6am for 2000 meter swim.  I love to swim.  I did not think that anything could be as relaxing and restful as my long runs but swimming is just that for me.  I am convinced that I was a mermaid in my other life.  I am not fast by any means but you don't need to be to complete the 4km swim required for an Ironman.  It is one arm in front of the other and relax........I have only been in the pool a handful of times in the last 3 years but it is like riding a bike...no problem.  I am feeling good and feeling strong in everyway.

I decided to make a pot of vegetarian chili that turned out delicious, and will be even better tomorrow when all of the vegetables and spices take hold.  I then remembered reading a recipe for quinoa blueberry muffins in my latest yoga journal and thought ummmm I should whip some of those up to.  I am known for getting a little out of control in the kitchen.  This recipe is a keeper.  They turned out so good!  I am going to have to get some help on loading pictures and I will post recipe with what they look like. 

My mantra today is from my yoga instructor Mugs:  I am a spirit expressing myself through human form, how do I wish to express myself today?  I think it is helpful to have a mantra daily something to ponder when your world seems out of control.


Sunday 26 February 2012

Day 1 of Ironman Training Feb 26, 2012 and a bit about me.

I decided quite sometime ago that I would like to start a blog on my life, where I have travelled, people who have had a great influence on me, my favourite recipes etc.  Finally I sat down and did it. 

Today is the first day in my Ironman training that will take place June 24/12 in the beautiful city of Couer d'Alene Idaho.  This will be my second full Ironman, the first in BC in 2008.  I am pretty blessed to be able to train for this and have to send a great big Thank you to my Coach Scott Abel for training me over the last 4.5 years.  Since my first Ironman I have been doing MET and strength training.  I have had incredible gains in the three triangles of awareness...mental, physical and spritual.

I have recently just received my certification for 200 hr soya yoga instructor in Melaque Mexico and plan to start off teaching in my basement gym and then bluebutterfly yoga studio if everything works out!  Who knows what this will lead to but I know it was meant to be and the reason behind it will be revealed soon enough.

This will be the first time competing in a long distance event (besides a half marathon) being vegan.  I whipped up a lovely quinoa salad this am that tastes amazing.  First I roasted garlic, red pepper, carrots, celery and cauliflower, made the quinoa added the two together and topped with a olive oil, lemon, ciantro drsg.  Ummmm.  I will start posting pictures and including recipes ASAP.

Enjoy your day, you only have it once so make the best out of it.
